Mixed up makes better: Introductions
On your marks…
Unveiling your creation to your customers for the first time or selling it into someone you want to impress is like taking your marks under starters orders.
Like an athlete, you’ve invested a lot of time to reach this point. The blood, sweat, and tears. The sacrifices.
None of it matters if you don’t get the first few seconds right.
The false start
If an athlete makes a false start their race is over before it’s begun. They can only watch as their competitors compete for the medals.
When you launch your product or service you don’t want to risk a false start of your own. You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of potential customers. You need to make sure you get it right.
So how do you avoid a false start?
Get set…
What you want is to burst through the noise of the everyday and into the minds of your potential customers. Make them stop and take notice. Make them believe in what you’re offering as much as you do.
This is where planning and research comes in. An athlete will know their body intimately. They’ll know how far they can push themselves. When their lungs are burning, how much more they have to give.
You need to know your customer as intimately as an athlete knows their body. Where will you find them? What makes them tick? How do they like being spoken to? What makes them laugh, cry, or shout out in anger?
And like trainers that fit an athlete perfectly, giving the right support, you need communications that support what you’re doing in the best possible way.
If the message is wrong and the ad poorly executed, it will cost you customers.
You also need design that stands out from your competitors, not imitating it – otherwise you’re just advertising them. An athlete wouldn’t use a competitor’s starting blocks in the hope it will make them run faster. It’s not set up for them.
This is where everything comes together. Where an athlete’s preparation, equipment and technique works seamlessly to get them off to a flying start.
This is your eye-catching design. But it will also be packed with substance. The right imagery, message and context. Using the right media. Flowing in rhythm.
Beautiful design will make you stand out and give you the best possible start. The kind of start that leaves your competitors trying to catch-up.
We’d be happy to talk to you about launching your creation, for free. And then, if we think we can help you and you like the cut of our jib, we’d work together to make sure you left the blocks in front of the competition. And stayed there.
Can we help you with your launch? Pop your details in below and we’ll be in touch.

My daughter thinks we’re Black
A personal story illustrating the pure beauty of being a child with no preconceptions. Which may hold lessons for us all.

Mixed up makes better: Tricky thinking
Tricky thinking is needed when you are faced with a problem. Something outside your field of knowledge. A sensitive subject. A new frontier.

Mixed up makes better: Sales literature
Whether it was the punch of your well written ad or that they’ve wandered in off the street because they love your brand; you now need to back it up with the facts they need to know.